"I'm nobody. History won't remember me. Stories won't be told about me, but I won't let that stop me from fighting for what's right. You are Arthur Pendragon. No matter what happens today, I know for a fact that your story will be told. But it's up to you what legacy you leave behind-- an epitaph... or a legend."
- Hisirdoux 'Douxie' Casperan; Wizards of Arcadia
“These items make up my existence. The library tells my story, the mastodon my mistakes, the ship my discoveries and my abilities to make old things new without magic, and the whale...my limitations, I suppose.”
- Marcus Today; The UnwantedsTIS
"That stuff can kill you from the inside, Hiccup. Revenge, anger, obsession. Trust me, I know. It can make you do things you never thought you were capable of. Cause you to take chances, make mistakes. And if that doesn't end you, it'll eat at you slowly"
- Dagur the Deranged; HTTYD- Race to the Edge
"Even the word hopeless is not devoid of hope"
-Blinkous 'Blinky' Galadrigal; Trollhunters
"Life isn't mangoes and milk tarts, Will"
-Captain Browne; Cartwheeling in Thunderstorms
"Passion is what must take the place of fury. Passion makes us want to live another day, to try to do the right thing. Passion contains love and fear and anger and motivation. Passion keeps you fighting when you want to give up."
-Lisa Mcmann; The Unwanteds: The Island of Legends
"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on"
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
"Your glasses are invisible, and through them you see only yourself. You must turn your lenses around. Windows, not mirrors."
- Ishibashi; The Unwanteds: The Island of Graves
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